
Oct 17 2015

I feel like...

I am waiting for your call today!
"I feel like 
Im in that garden again 
and that tree is there too 
you remember, the one I shouldn't touch 
the one was I forbidden to touch 
but damn 
I would love to taste the nectar it provides just once 
I mean it's there 
the fruit needing to be picked 
the sweetness needing to be devoured 
what is it really here for anyway 
its too perfect to be used for a test 
I walk past it all the time 
wondering if it wants to be tasted 
and if it did, what would I do 
I hear it whispering to me 
trying to seduce my inner faults 
Would I climb that tree 
and engulf myself in the 
opportunity of becoming 
drunk with the formalities 
of tasting a substance so intoxicating 
so pure 
Once tasted the desire of a force 
so unfathomable 
will ignite every cell in my being 
from the essence not so expected 
a sweetness too uncontrollable 
What would I do with that fruit in my hand 
knowing once bitten my eyes will be open my thoughts impure, tainted 
full of knowledge of my wrong doings 
in full view of my nakedness 
What do I do 
What do I do.....?"