"To make her complete from
head to feet, make her never
fret that there's better yet,
make her soul feel concretely
mould like a queen in her own
Ill make the entirety of her
being be covered with loving
peace so she will feel the eros
powers of what God's love
should be from a king to a
queen and ill forever be me
through life's eternity.
Perfect I'm not nor do I
profess to be but my loving
techniques are from deeper
than the naked eyes will see
and this part of this man's
heart understands her mental.
To make her feel complete my
love's attribute my heart and
soul will contribute, she'll
feel the agape part, bundle
storage of my affection, my
attraction and the philia of
this treasures won't ever be
measured by man as long she
understands the qualities of
this loving one."
Copyright Andrew Vassell 2012